Not having seen this mouse for two months made me think that it was probably my mind playing tricks on me (or substances that were causing these mind tricks for that matter), but today I saw the mouse again. It was real. It was grey. It was quick and kind of cute. It ran into my meterkast, never to be seen again. Although it was cute, it is also disgusting to have a rodent running around my appartment, so this weekend I am going to buy some poison to try and kill it.
- Better watch out Pinky!
I have filled up the holes it could have run into, so hopefully I will never see it again (otherwise it will die a painful death).
Speaking of holes that I need to fill up. I have send an SMS to Angelique to hook up soon. I will keep you all posted on that.
This evening was quite interesting again. Paul is so busy *cough* being an Enterprise Architect that he is actually becoming an expert on PHP and scraping websites. If you wonder what scraping is; a rough translation is: 'raping websites without the use of an ass' (word-joke, try saying this out loud).
Martin was also part of the party and we spoke about overrated crap movies like The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttfuck and Slumfuck Millionaire. Every Oscar that a movie wins should be anally inserted into a member of the jury, so they will actually start giving away the Oscars to GOOD movies again.
Getting a bit off-topic here, so back to mastering my own insanity.
Krameros (peace be with him) received another six calls from the anonymous call-center. I appreciate the feedback from Paul, but as I am not playing in the lotto it surely must be some crap company trying to sell me something/upgrade my insurance with them. I will however not answer the phone for AT LEAST another two weeks. Perhaps I will never answer the phone at all even. I will surely be remembered within whatever company is trying to reach me forever and leave a mark in their history books. Hm, an interesting thought.
Well, 23:32 now and Krameros (peace be with him) is feeling tired again and logging off. Just don't forget that 69 is the new 32. Krameros (peace be with him) out - until next time.
The b-b-b-bird bird bird, the bird is the word.
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