maandag 23 februari 2009

Mastering Insanity - Part 2

Paul reminded me of an 'important' event that I should not have left out. I will get back on that a bit later.

The first thing I want to mention is a practical joke which I am currently building up to. I have been called by a call-center for the last two and a half weeks now. I know it is a call-center because they call me about 5 times a day and the number is anonymous (and I never answer an anonymous call... EVER). The worklog they have must be a couple of pages long already (called user: went to voicemail). I am thinking of a fun thing to say after actually answering the phone as they are very, VERY, VERY persistent. All thoughts are welcome (I will let it ring for at least 2 more weeks).

So this weekend was a laid back weekend for me. Had my parents over on Sunday and played some old-school Lucasarts adventure game on Saturday.

Dickie had a blind-date but I did not get any feedback from him, so it was either very good, or very bad.

To get to the thing that Paul mentioned; Karmelique lost her job at the Herpes (our favorite hangout where the beers are warm and the girls are cold). Dreams are shattered. Hope is lost. And more of that. According to Kaaiman (haloef al kabir), she is pregnant, had sex with some random people in the toilet of a gass-station and basically is borderlining like Madonna in the 80's. Although Madonna only sang about it... Danselique will probably never recover from it. Which is a sad thing. For humanity. And the future of the human race.

So, having said that. It is time for a funny picture and time for me to go to sleep. Here it is:

Suzanna & Arimo's pregnant picture:

- Harro! At least 18 years of pain for 3 minutes of pleasure. You don't love me long time! Bitch!

Krameros (peace be with him) out.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Yo Kramerosss

    I was molested by a callcenter agent as well. It turned out to be on behalf of the postcode lotery, where you verbally have to accept prices over 100K, as by dutch law you only have two weeks time to do so for tax reasons. Otherwise the price goes to charity, like Victims of Marriage (VoM). Fortunately I was just on time.

    Keep up the good work

    Dr. Kaboom

  2. Victims of Marriage seems like a good charity to me.
